JG251 blog


Guitar Masterclass - GroundUP 2023 - Kurt Rosenwinkel, Isaiah Sharkey, Mark Lettieri, Chris McQueen

0:00 - Kurt's  Favorite Warmup Techniques and Background 1:44 - How Do You Play Together Without Clashing? 2:40 - Sharkey's Favorite Warmup Techniques and Background 4:00 - Sharkey's Guitar Specs. 5:11 - Mark's Favorite Warmup Techniques and Background 6:29 - Chris' Favorite Warmup Techniques and Background 9:13 - Mark Explains The Unique Features of His Guitar 13:05 - Kurt Explains What "Heartcore" Is 14:44 - Sharkey Talks About Being in John Mayer's Band 15:48 - The Importance of "Finding Your Own Voice" 18:48 - When Did You Start Playing Guitar? 24:28 - How Do you Balance Your Time and Practicing? 30:35 - What's It Like Sharing Space With Each Other? 32:39 - What Is Snarky Puppy's Composition Process? 33:58 - Kurt Talks About How He Made "The Remedy" 36:43 - How Does Kurt Relate His Piano Voicings to His Guitar Voicings? 39:08 - What Advice Would They Give Their Younger Selves? 44:44 - What Records Taught Them The Most About Guitar Orchestration?46:40 - How Has Neo Soul Influenced You?48:50 - Play Us Out!